Category: Team@DHR

City of Durham Parish Council 

We were very pleased to show the City of Durham Parish Council around our studios. The photo shows Adam Shanley, Clerk to City of Durham Parish Council, presenting from left to right Eileen, Dawn and Nikki (the Pink Ladies), with their well deserved bronze award for Best Programme with multiple presenters from the recent National…

National Hospital Radio Awards 2024

Durham Hospitals Radio (DHR) were delighted to win two awards at the National Hospital Radio Awards in Winchester on 13th April 2024: Bronze for Best Programme with multiple presenters: The Sugar and Spice Show with Eileen, Nicky and Dawn The Innovation Award: Tony Taulbut, our amazing engineer. This award recognises those behind the scenes, and celebrates pushing the boundaries using innovative, novel or pioneering ideas.…

Volunteers wanted!

We are looking for volunteers to help run Durham Hospitals Radio. Because of safeguarding rules all volunteers must be 18 years old or over. If you would like information on how to become a member of the DHR Team, please contact Mike Hardy at the studio on on 0191 333 2168. Leave a message and Mike will get back to you Volunteering…

The History of Hospital Radio

Durham Hospitals Radio is part of a story that can trace its beginnings back almost a century to the United States. The earliest known hospital radio station is thought to have begun its operation in the Walter Reed General Hospital in Washington D.C. in May 1919. With the world just returning to peace following the…