Terry Clough

Terry has been a volunteer since 1963 and is the Durham Hospitals Radio Chairman.

During his time he has seen many changes; from vinyl to CDs and MP3s, from needing four people to produce a programme (3 operators and an announcer) to only one!

He was part of the team involved in the building work in the late 1960s to allow DHR to have two studios. He is now Chairman of DHR and has been instrumental in many other changes! Terry is married with one grown-up married daughter and is a proud grandparent.

Terry is usually on air for Mondays from 10am until noon, and 10am until noon on Thursdays and 7pm to 10pm on Fridays.

He supports Sunderland AFC, attending as many home matches as possible and the occasional away game. (He’s the only ‘Red and White’ on Friday nights!) Terry particularly likes music from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

He can often be seen playing his air guitar in the studio and on the wards; particularly when Status Quo are being played!